2. Projects

A Project is a collection of different tasks such as Training, annotation report, and Detector as well as has imageset.

In PicStork, a project contains different tasks. So the user has to create a task first.

2.1 Handling Projects:

2.1.1 Create New Task in a Project

Select a type of task to be created from the options appearing on the screen as shown in above image.

  • Enter a name of a task and select any existing project to create a task. Create Task button will be enabled on entering name of a task and selecting an existing project as shown in the following image.

  • Enter the name of the project and location on the map. The user may search for the desired location and then click on the "Add" button to add the project as shown in the image below. The newly created project will be added to the list and displayed while creating a task.

Then click on the "Create Task" button on the flow path on the left-hand side of the screen as shown in the above image.

2.1.2 Rename a Project

A project can be renamed by clicking on three dots in front of the name of the project. Select "Rename" option there as shown in the image.

Enter the desired name of the project and click on the "Update" button to update it.

2.1.3 Delete a Project

The user can select a project that is to be deleted from the list on a dashboard. Click on the three dots available on the right-hand side of the name of the project. Select the "Delete" option to delete a project

Confirmation message will be displayed for deletion.

If the user really want to delete the selected project, then select the "Yes" button to proceed.

Check for removing the access to the shared data will be carried out and displayed on the screen with the message as "All data deleted Successfully"

All the data associated with the project will be deleted permanently and will not be retrieved in the future.

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