5.3 Generating Report

PicStork will provide a detailed analysis in the report format. These reports will be generated automatically after the successful completion of a task and available in two formats as discussed in the following section.

5.3.1 Summary Report

Summary of the analysis will be displayed as the Summary Report. Graphical and statistical data will be displayed which includes the number of objects detected.

The percentage-wise analysis summary with a total number of objects detected will be available in the summary report.

5.3.2 Detailed Report

Click on "Detailed Report" option as shown in the above image. The following image shows more details of the selected task.

The user can set the severity level of accuracy as Normal, Medium, High, Higher, and Very High as shown in the following image. You can see all the images used for object detection by selecting "All" option from the severity.

Click on the "View Report" button to view and download the report. The report will be downloaded in pdf format. Click on the "Download" button to download the report on the computer.

The user can download the report in .pdf format or in excel format by selecting the appropriate button.

Download Report in Excel

Click on the "Download Excel" button to download the report in Excel format. The generation of a report will take some time which will be intimated through an email. Click on the "Ok" button to proceed for generating report.

Detailed analysis presentation can be changed as shown in the image below.

Image-wise detailed analysis report is readily available after processing through PicStork as shown in the following image. The number of objects detected per image are readily available. This is a powerful feature of PicStork.

"Detailed Report" can be downloaded and stored on your local computer. You can save this report in .pdf format or in Excel format which can be used as and when required.

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