4.3 Create Detection Task

To detect and identify the presence of objects in an image, a detection task is a must.

Object detection is a technique to locate the presence of objects in an image. Various object detection algorithms are used to detect objects from an image. Object detection aims to automate the replication of human intelligence.

Detection tasks are required to detect any objects from the given imagesets. Detecting objects from an imageset requires training as if learning something new. Detectors are generated after the training task is completed. In other words, detectors are the output of the training task.

4.3.1 Create a Task:

Enter the name of a task and select a project from existing list or create a new project and then select it for the specific task. Click on the "Create Task" button from the stepper on the left-hand side of the screen.

4.3.2 Create an Imageset

Create an imageset for the selected task. The user may select the already existing imageset or create a new imageset and upload the images from the folder.

Create an Imageset

4.3.3 Setup

Select the processing parameters to create the detection task.

Select Processing Parameters

The user may select the detection purpose as:

  • Counting: The detector will be used for counting the objects after detecting these from the images.

  • Defect: Defects will be detected from the images uploaded using the detector.

  • Both: The detector will be for counting as well as finding out the defects.

Select the detectors from the dropdown list. The dropdown list will have the list of public detectors available. The user may select one or more detectors from the list.

Select the Detector

After selecting the detectors, the list of objects to be detected will be displayed. The user may select the required objects from the list and reject a few of them by clicking on 'X' available in front of the name of the object.

After the selection of proper objects from the detectors, now start the detector task by clicking on "Start button".

Start the Detection Task

The status of the detector task will be "Pending" which will be changed to "Completed" after completing the task. The completion of the task will be intimated through email.

The report will be generated after completion of the detector task.

Task Details after Completion

The user will have a summary report, a detailed report of the task created. The user can share the task with other users or team members.

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